
Happy as an Indonesian

"Are you happy as an Indonesian" a friend asked me one day.

I told him, "Yes, why?"

"Just ask", he answered.

"No, you must tell me", I forced him to answer my question, for my not satisfaction on his answer. "You have asked me and now you have to answer my question, too."

Mmmmm, it's because I just got two stories which made me got headache and got up set. The first stories was about what a Malaysian told me when I visited Malaysia. The girl told me and shown me a slum area in a part of KL city. She said that most of the people who lived in that slum area were Indonesians, and they often made some trouble. The second one was what a Bruneian told me. That Bruneian asked me when I was driving a car in Brunei city, his question was simple but made me almost got mad. He asked wether I could own such kind of car -which I was driving- or not in Jakarta. Luckily there was other Bruneian person next to me who had ever been to Jakarta. He said that in Jakarta people could get better than this.

Whatever it is, Indonesia is my country. The country where I live in.

I love Indonesia. Thanks God that You had put me in a family who live in Indonesia.

Let's share our feeling about Indonesia. Get the possitive side and tell the world. This is Indnesia.

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